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7 mistakes that people tend to make in their 20s

Table of Contents Toggle Table Of Contents1. Spending Unnecessarily2. Going On Without A Budget3. No Financial Goals4. Unlimited Usage Of Credit Cards5. Retirement Is Far Away6. Avoiding Calculated Risk7. Unplanned Student LoanSpending UnnecessarilyGoing On Without A BudgetNo Financial GoalsUnlimited Usage Of Credit CardsRetirement Is Far AwayAvoiding Calculated RiskUnplanned Student Loan The age between 20 to 30 is perhaps the best time of one’s life. At this age, life is full of new possibilities, challenges and fun. Amidst all these excitements people often fail to take certain financial decisions which affect them later on. Those mistakes keep on haunting them throughout their life. Let’s have a look at 7 mistakes that young people often make without even knowing them. Table Of Contents 1. Spending Unnecessarily 2. Going On Without A Budget 3. No Financial Goals 4. Unlimited Usage Of Credit Cards 5. Retirement Is Far Away 6. Avoiding Calculated Risk 7. Unplanned Student Loan Reading Time: 7 mins read Spending Unnecessarily – #Spending_unnecessarily During this period of life, most of us start earning. We have a certain amount of money at our disposal which provokes us to spend more money. Sometimes unnecessarily. We often buy things that we actually do not need at that point.  Before making any purchase, we should ask ourselves whether we really need it or not. By doing so, we will be able to keep a check on our expenses and increase savings. Going On Without A Budget – #without_a_budget his is a very common mistake that youngsters often make.  They keep on spending money until the account shows zero balance. As a result, they lack money when they actually need it. If you maintain a budget, you can avoid this problem. By budgeting, you can check your unnecessary expenditure as well as you can have a clear idea about your actual financial situation. By keeping a budget, you can also put more money into your investment purposes. No Financial Goals – #No_financial_goals Amidst all the fun and frolic of a young age people often avoids giving a thought to their financial future. They earn money and keep on spending them. As a result, after a certain age when they plan to buy a property or anything of high value, they do not have enough money. So, make a proper financial plan before it’s too late. Fix some goals for yourself that you want to achieve. Keep a certain time frame for each goal. This will help you to increase your investment and you will have enough money at your disposal in the future. Unlimited Usage Of Credit Cards – #usage_of_credit_cards This is actually a very tempting trap for youngsters. Credit card gives you a kind of false sense of freedom to buy anything at any moment. People often buy on credit cards much more than their actual financial ability. Naturally, they fail to pay it on time. Now they start borrowing money to pay their credit card bills and it becomes a never-ending cycle of borrowing and paying off the loan. Never cross your limit while using credit cards. Retirement Is Far Away – #is_far_away This is the most common mistake among youngsters. In their 20s they think that retirement is far away! But don’t forget that time flies. If you start your retirement investment early you will get more time to grow your money. If you start as early as 25 when you will reach 60 you will be able to accumulate a good deal of corpus. Avoiding Calculated Risk – #calculated_Risk Any investment is subjected to market risk. If you avoid taking a risk you won’t be able to grow your money and you will be left behind the inflation. Risk is always there. But you can minimize them by proper calculation. By calculated risk you can safeguard your money from losses. Unplanned Student Loan – #Student_Loan Young people often take a student loan to continue their studies, especially to study abroad. There is no harm in it if you plan the loan properly. We often forget the fact that we will have to pay the loan amount back in few years down the line.  Before taking any education loan consider what your true professional aspirations are and whether the present course will be any help or not. These are some basic mistakes that youngsters often make because of unawareness and lack of judgment. If they can avoid these in time then their financial future will be safe and secured.   Please share your views in the comment section and follow us on Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn for more stock market-related articles and updates.

8 Hidden Facts For Every Stock Market Beginners

Table of Contents Toggle Table Of Contents1. Start Your Journey With A Small Amount2. Diversify Your Portfolio3. Invest In Blue-Chip Stocks4. Never Invest In “Free” Tips5. Do Not Blindly Follow Any News-Biased Stock6. Invest In What You Know And Understand Better7. Reinvest The Dividends8.Follow A Disciplined ApproachStart Your Journey With A Small AmountDiversify Your PortfolioInvest In Blue-Chip StocksNever Invest In “Free” TipsDo Not Blindly Follow Any News-Biased StockInvest In What You Know And Understand BetterReinvest The DividendsFollow A Disciplined Approach Description: Are you a beginner in the stock market? Want to use it as a regular source of earning? You must know these tricks to make your share market journey a smooth one. Table Of Contents 1. Start Your Journey With A Small Amount 2. Diversify Your Portfolio 3. Invest In Blue-Chip Stocks 4. Never Invest In “Free” Tips 5. Do Not Blindly Follow Any News-Biased Stock 6. Invest In What You Know And Understand Better 7. Reinvest The Dividends 8.Follow A Disciplined Approach Reading Time: 6 mins read Start Your Journey With A Small Amount shares for your portfolio requires some time and effort. Until you learn properly, start with a small amount. It will limit your losses. Diversify Your Portfolio Put your money in different stocks of different sectors. It reduces the risk. Diversification would safe-guard your portfolio from losses. Invest In Blue-Chip Stocks Blue Chip Stocks Are Typically Well-Established And Financially Sound Companies. They Have Operated Successfully For Several Market Cycles And Have Consistent Earnings. That’s Why It Is Considered To Be A Safe Investment. Never Invest In “Free” Tips Do Not Go With Some Hot Tips Or Advice Given By Someone Else. You Know Your Own Risk Management Ability And Only You Know How Far You Can Go With It. So, You Will Be The Best Person To Judge And Act Accordingly. Do Not Blindly Follow Any News-Biased Stock There Are Some Stocks That Have Some Attention Catching Activity And Are In The News For A While. It Is Always Advisable To Avoid Those Stocks. These Stocks Become Hot Stocks Because Of The Buzz Created By News Media. There Are Chances That These Stocks Actually May Not Have The Potential To Do Well In The Future. It Is Often Observed That The Stocks Which Were Apparently Boring Are Performing Remarkably. Invest In What You Know And Understand Better Never Invest In An Industry That You Do Not Understand At All. If You Do Not Have Any Knowledge About The Sector You Are Investing In, You Won’t Be Able To Analyse And Interpret Its Potential. And That Can Be Disastrous. So, Invest In A Business That You Understand And Know Well. Reinvest The Dividends Reinvesting Your Dividends Allows You To Buy More Shares And Create Wealth Over Time. By Doing So You Can Increase The Value Of Your Investment Than Simply Taking The Cash. Follow A Disciplined Approach It Is Always Important To Follow A Disciplined Investment Approach Besides Keeping A Long-Term Broad Picture In Mind. Try To Put Money Systematically In The Right Shares And Stick To Your Strategy Patiently.

9 frequently asked questions and answers for the newcomers to the stock market

Table of Contents Toggle Table Of Contents1. What Is It Safe To Invest In The Stock Market? If I Lose Money?2. How To Find Good Companies As There Are Many Publicly Listed Companies In The Indian Stock Market?3. How Much Time Should I Spend To Research About The Stocks?4. Do I Need Any Finance-Based Degree To Be An Investor In The Stock Market?5. Is It Safe To Invest In Unlisted Stocks For A Beginner?6. How Much Returns Can I Expect From The Market?7. How Many Stocks Should I Buy In My Portfolio?8. Is There Any Time For Buying Shares Or Doing A Trade?9. How To Invest/Apply For An IPO Online? People are seen to be much more interested in stock market investment than earlier. Especially the youngsters. But they often get confused because of the risks related to the stock market. Here are some questions that they often raise and their answers so that next time you can trade confidently. Table Of Contents 1. What Is It Safe To Invest In The Stock Market? If I Lose Money? 2. How To Find Good Companies As There Are Many Publicly Listed Companies In The Indian Stock Market? 3. How Much Time Should I Spend To Research About The Stocks? 4. Do I Need Any Finance-Based Degree To Be An Investor In The Stock Market? 5. Is It Safe To Invest In Unlisted Stocks For A Beginner? 6. How Much Returns Can I Expect From The Market? 7. How Many Stocks Should I Buy In My Portfolio? 8. Is There Any Time For Buying Shares Or Doing A Trade? 9. How To Invest/Apply For An IPO Online? Reading Time: 8 mins read What Is It Safe To Invest In The Stock Market? If I Lose Money? -#lose_money? Ans: Yes, it is absolutely safe to invest in the stock market. Don’t forget that the Indian Stock market is protected by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).  SEBI looks after and protects every right of the buyers and sellers. So, you can be assured that your money is in a safe place.  But how you utilize the opportunities of the stock market depends on your skill and knowledge. How To Find Good Companies As There Are Many Publicly Listed Companies In The Indian Stock Market? – #Indian_stock_market? Ans: This is perhaps the most important problem for beginners of the stock market. So many listed companies are there! How to choose the best one? Picking up stocks is the most important skill for share market success. There are different aspects that should be considered while choosing a stock. You must do detailed research, study various charts or indicators and interpret them to find out the potential of a particular stock.  Actually, choosing stock is an art that is to be learned over a period of time and experience. For that, you must have proper knowledge from a proper source. How Much Time Should I Spend To Research About The Stocks? – #Indian_stock_market? Ans: When it is about your hard-earned money you should be very careful. You must do proper homework and research. Experts always suggest doing as much research as possible and that takes a bit of time. But too much thinking may spoil the opportunities. Actually, there are many who opt for share market trading as a part-time occupation alongside the main profession. It does not demand huge time if you have learned about it properly and you know where to focus. Do I Need Any Finance-Based Degree To Be An Investor In The Stock Market? – #finance_based_degree Ans: Though the stock market is a very dynamic and vast domain but it is not much difficult. So, anyone from any background and profession can invest in the stock market only if they have the proper knowledge. And for that knowledge you do not require any finance degree, only proper learning is enough. Is It Safe To Invest In Unlisted Stocks For A Beginner? – #unlisted_stocks Ans: According to the stock market professionals investing in unlisted stocks demand a good deal of knowledge and expertise. It is not ideal for beginners to invest in such stocks as a lack of knowledge can cause loss. After acquiring proper knowledge and doing enough research if you find a stock to have potential then you can easily invest even in an unlisted stock. But for that, you need proper learning. How Much Returns Can I Expect From The Market? -#How_much_returns? Ans: The stock market is not a miracle or magic. Certain logical factors control the market. If you are able to read those factors properly then only you can identify profitable opportunities. But that does not mean magic will happen with your money and it will get doubled overnight. It does not work like that. Expect reasonably from an investment. How your wealth will grow depends on your skill in picking up profitable stocks. How Many Stocks Should I Buy In My Portfolio? -#How_many_stocks_buy Ans: There is no such fixed number of stocks for a portfolio. You should diversify your portfolio for risk management among different sector stocks at the same time you must remember that you should not be over-diversified. An over-diversified portfolio is difficult to manage and there is no surety that it will earn better profit. On the other hand, in an under-diversified portfolio, the fall of one stock may affect it adversely. Is There Any Time For Buying Shares Or Doing A Trade? – #buying shares Ans: Indian Stock Market remains open from 9:15 am to 3:30 pm. One can buy or sell shares within this time frame on weekdays (Monday to Friday). After this time, you can place order through AMO i.e. After Market Order. You can also trade any time in the Forex market. The stock market remains closed on national holidays. How To Invest/Apply For An IPO Online? – #buying shares Ans: You can invest or apply for an IPO online through your DEMAT or trading account. Follow the steps below:  a) Log in to your trading account b) On the trading portal input the number and the price of shares you want to buy c) Click on Submit button. Your application is completed.  Do you have any question regarding your stock market journey? Please share your queries in the comment section and follow us on Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube for more stock market-related articles and updates.

Your money, your decision

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What is Financial Literacy? – Why it is so essential life skill

Table of Contents Toggle Table Of Contents1. Why do we need financial education?2. The key components of Financial Literacy Lack of financial Literacy has been observed as one of the major reasons behind the financial problems faced by most of Indians. Recently we have seen the idea buzz around us. But a few years ago, the situation was not like this. We hardly had any idea about what exactly financial education means or why it is important for us. Financial literacy is the education that helps us to use various financial skills effectively for personal financial management, budgeting, and investing. In other words, financial literacy teaches us to manage and grow our money effectively. Now you must be thinking why it is so important! According to a recent survey conducted by the Securities and Exchange Board of India, only 27% of India’s population is financially literate. Because of a lack of financial knowledge many of us fail to manage our funds properly, as a result, we face problems in crisis situations. The crisis may come in the form of inflation, recession or any personal emergency situation. If we have proper financial knowledge, we can manage our money in a way that all these crises can be met more easily and comfortably. Table Of Contents 1. Why do we need financial education? 2. The key components of Financial Literacy Reading Time: 4 mins read Why do we need financial education?  Proper financial education can help us to achieve various life goals Saving for education or retirement  Buying assets Using debt responsibly  To create a budget  Track personal spending  Increase investment A working knowledge of key financial concepts, such as compound interest and the time value of money can help us to grow our money more effectively.  The key components of Financial Literacy You don’t need to master Mathematics, Statistics, or any financial degree to learn about the basics of financial education. Some of the key components of financial education are: Budgeting– Keeping a record of where your money is being spent Saving– Keeping different funds for different goals Investing- Using different avenues to grow money Proper understanding of financial terms- Knowing the keywords of financial details.  #Financial knowledge is the only key to monetary success.

6 fear factors that every beginner in stock market faces

Table of Contents Toggle Table Of Contents1. What If I Lose Money?2. Where Would I Land?3. Fear Of Missing Opportunities (FOMO)4. Oh! My God, It’s Crashing!5. Do I Have That Much Money?6. I Do Not Understand Stock Market There are many who want to invest in the stock market but feel scared because of the volatility and uncertain nature of the market. The newcomers often feel mental blockages. That leads to bad decisions and finally loss of money. If you’ve just started investing in the share market take note of these fears and how to overcome them to fight them back to become a winner in the stock market. Table Of Contents 1. What If I Lose Money? 2. Where Would I Land? 3. Fear Of Missing Opportunities (FOMO) 4. Oh! My God, It’s Crashing! 5. Do I Have That Much Money? 6. I Do Not Understand Stock Market Reading Time: 8 mins read What If I Lose Money? -#lose_money? This is quite a common fear that beginners face. Even before entering the market, they are worried about losing money. It is true that no one can guarantee you or predict precisely exactly how your investment will work. But if someone does proper methodical research and analysis then an investment can be protected against loss to an extent. So, give some time to learn about the methods and processes related to these researches and overcome your fear. Where Would I Land? -#would_I_land? Fear of an unknown future actually comes from the fear of losing money. New investors often feel apprehensive about the uncertain future if they lose. To overcome this fear you need to make the right investment decisions. And for that, a novice investor must have the appropriate knowledge. Fear Of Missing Opportunities (FOMO) -#FOMO Any stock market investor cannot claim that he never felt FOMO or Fear of Missing Opportunities. Because of their fear of missing out on opportunities they decide in a hurry which results to be the wrong one. This fear can take its toll hugely and lead to unexpected losses. Analysis with patience is the only remedy. Accept the reality that you cannot control every deal from start to finish according to your wish. So, accept that you will miss out on some. And that is good for you. Oh! My God, It’s Crashing! -#Don’t Panic It’s really scary to watch the market to crash drastically. Even an experienced investor feels nervous and makes panic sell.  The stock market may crash sometime. But that is not a permanent trend. So, keep calm. Do I Have That Much Money? -#much_money? This is a baseless fear. It’s a quite common notion about the stock market that it requires a lot of money to start investing here.  But it is totally a wrong idea. One can start investing even with RS. 100. So, do not be scared, you can start with a small amount just to try it. I Do Not Understand Stock Market -#understand_stock_market This one is on you. If you really want to earn a decent amount from the stock market then you must learn about the market properly. But one thing you can be sure of is that stock market is not a difficult arena to understand. It’s an easy one and takes very little time to learn.  It is never too late to learn something. Don’t wait, just start it now. Stocks are riskier than many other conventional assets. If you avoid investing out of fear then you could miss out on stock market gains and good opportunities to create wealth. What is the most distressing fear for you? Please share your views in the comment section and follow us on Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn for more stock market-related articles and updates.

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