How do we start learning stock market?

The stock market is a vast and dynamic world. So, it is a wise decision to learn about the market first, then start working here. Otherwise, you can lose your hard-earned money. The best way of learning about stock market is to learn step by step.

Read As Much As Possible

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Read as much as possible
Reading is perhaps the best help in your situation. Read as much as possible. But at the beginning go for basic ones. If you start your stock market reading with complicated ones soon you will get bored.  And once you lose interest you will learn nothing despite giving it plenty of time. So, start with easy and basic ones.

Different Types Of Investors And Traders

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Different types of investors and traders 1
There are different ways of trading and investing in the Indian stock market. The Day TraderSwing Trader, long-term trader etc. Know about these types properly so that you can choose your way.  Decide as per your comfort level.

Identify Your Key Industry

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Identify your key industry 1
Deciding in which industry you want to invest in is an important factor. Experts always advise learning more and more about the sector in which you are investing. Never go for a stock of an industry about which you do not have any idea. You should know well about your domain of investment. To diversify your portfolio, you need to gather knowledge about more than one sector.

Choose 2 Or 3 Companies

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Choose 2 or 3 companies 1
Once you have decided upon your investment sector choose 2 or 3 companies from that particular domain and put them on your watchlist. Try to watch their growth in the stock market. Meanwhile, visit their website and use other sources to understand the basic finance, accounting, quality of management etc. to analyze their potential. You may come across some of the companies which are the same in nature but are performing differently.  Try to guess what is the reason behind that.

Read The Stock Market News Closely

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Read the stock market news closely 1
Reading share market-related news is the best way of gathering information about market trends and other updates about the market. Go through your newspaper thoroughly, especially the business page.
Stock Market Terminology
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Stock market terminology 1
Get acquainted with different terms related to the stock market. Every word in the stock market has got a different meaning. If you do not have a clear idea about these key-terms you won’t be able to understand the market properly.

Learn To Study And Use Stock Charts

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Learn to study and use stock charts 1
Reading stock charts is not an easy one. There are different types of charts like candle stick charts and many more which indicate the rise and fall of different stocks. By interpreting these charts one can decide whether to sell or buy a stock. These charts and indicators are a very important part of share market trading. It takes a bit of time and concentration to learn to interpret these charts properly. If you have professional help, it will be easier for you to learn about these indicators. Nowadays this help is easily available with many stock market e-learning institutions.  These are the basic steps that you can follow to start your learning process about the stock market.

For different stock market-related news, daily updates and knowledge you can follow Invesmate on InstagramYouTube and Facebook.

Arunava Chatterjee
Founder of INVESMATE Group. I am a Certified Research Analyst, Value & Growth Investor, Trainer and Tech Entrepreneur. With 15 years of capital market experience, I have trained 10000+ students on INVESMATE. I have created several YouTube videos, mostly related to in-depth fundamental analysis.


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