Pivot Points-এর Concept

Table of Contents Toggle #Pivot_Points#The_Definition#How_To_Calculate#Different_Time _Frames#How_To_Use#Please_Share_&_Like শেয়ার মার্কেটে Technical Analysis-এ Pivot Points Indicator হল Trading এর একটি Revolutionary Approach যা Investor দের মার্কেটের Potential Turning Point সনাক্ত করতে সাহায্য করে। Pivot Points আগের দিনের High,Low এবং Close-র উপর ভিত্তি করে মূল লেভেলগুলি গণনা করে । Trader-রা কখন Trade-এ Entry করবেন বা Exit করবেন সে সম্পর্কে আরও Informed Decision নিতে পারেন এই Pivot Points দেখে। এই ধারণাটি Technical Analysis Future Price এর Movement-র পূর্বাভাস দিতে ব্যাপকভাবে ব্যবহৃত হয় ।চলুন দেখে নেওয়া যাক-Pivot Points কি?কিভাবে Standard Pivot Points Calculate করা হয় ?বিভিন্ন Time Frame-এ কি Pivot Point ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে ?Trading- এর ক্ষেত্রে Pivot Point কিভাবে Use করা যেতে পারে ?সংক্ষেপে জেনে নিন আমাদের এই পোস্টটির মাধ্যমে। #Pivot_Points #The_Definition #How_To_Calculate #Different_Time _Frames #How_To_Use #Please_Share_&_Like #Invesmate #Pivot_Points

The Concept of Pivot Points

Table of Contents Toggle #Pivot_Points#The_Definition#How_To_Calculate#Different_Time _Frames#How_To_Use#Please_Share_&_Like Pivot Points Indicator in Stock Market Technical Analysis is a revolutionary approach to trading that helps investors identify potential turning points in the market. Pivot Points calculate key levels based on the previous day’s High, Low and Close. Traders can make more informed decisions about when to enter or exit a trade by looking at these Pivot Points. This concept of Technical Analysis is widely used to predict future price movements.Let’s take a lookWhat is Pivot Points?How are Standard Pivot Points Calculated?Can pivot points be used in different time frames?How to Use Pivot Point in trading?Find out through our post in brief. #Pivot_Points #The_Definition #How_To_Calculate #Different_Time _Frames #How_To_Use #Please_Share_&_Like #Invesmate #Pivot_Points #sharemarket

Indian Inflation এর ভূমিকা

Table of Contents Toggle #Indian_Inflation#Factors_&_Indicators#Inflation_Rates#Inflation_Impact#Govt_Steps_To_Control#Please_Share_&_Like Food Price, Fuel Costs, Government Policies এর মত বিভিন্ন কারণে Indian Inflation প্রভাবিত হয় এবং বছরের পর বছর Fluctuated হতে থাকে। Reserve Bank of India(RBI), Inflation Level পরিচালনা করার জন্য Monetary Policies প্রয়োগ করে , যার লক্ষ্য থাকে Target Range এ পৌঁছানো। International Commodity Prices, Fiscal Policy এবং Domestic Demand এর মতো কারণগুলিও Indian Inflation এর Landscape গঠনে গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ভূমিকা পালন করে।Indian Inflation এ কোন কোন Factors কাজ করে? Indian Inflation এর Key Indicator গুলি কি কি? ভারতীয় অর্থনীতিতে এর প্রভাব কি? Inflation নিয়ন্ত্রণে কি কি সরকারি পদক্ষেপ নেওয়া হচ্ছে? সংক্ষেপ জেনে নিন আমাদের এই পোস্টটির মাধ্যমে – #Indian_Inflation #Factors_&_Indicators #Inflation_Rates #Inflation_Impact #Govt_Steps_To_Control #Please_Share_&_Like #Invesmate #Indian_Inflation #Inflation_Rates #sharemarket #stockmarketnews

Introduction to Indian Inflation

Table of Contents Toggle #Indian_Inflation#Factors_&_Indicators#Inflation_Rates#Inflation_Impact#Govt_Steps_To_Control#Please_Share_&_Like Indian Inflation is influenced by various factors like Food Price, Fuel Costs, Government Policies and continues to fluctuate year after year. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) implements monetary policies to manage the inflation level, aiming for the target range. Factors like International Commodity Prices, Fiscal Policy and Domestic Demand also play an important role in shaping the landscape of Indian Inflation.What are the factors driving Indian Inflation? What indicators work in Indian Inflation? What is its impact on the Indian economy? What government measures are being taken to control inflation? Find out in brief through our post – #Indian_Inflation #Factors_&_Indicators #Inflation_Rates #Inflation_Impact #Govt_Steps_To_Control #Please_Share_&_Like #Invesmate #Indian_Inflation #Inflation_Rates #sharemarket #stockmarketnews

বুঝে নিন Short Straddle Option Strategy

Table of Contents Toggle #Short_Straddle#The_Definition#How_To_Create#Capital_Requirements#Payoff_chart#Please_Share_&_Like The Short Straddle Option Strategy হল Derivative মার্কেটে একটি জনপ্রিয় Investment Technique, সাধারণত Stock Market-এ ব্যবহার করা হয়৷। এটি একই Strike Price এবং Expiration শেষ হওয়ার তারিখ সহ একটি Call Option এবং একটি Put Option উভয়ই Selling করে। Investor-রা Premium Collect করে।চলুন সংক্ষেপে দেখে নেওয়া যাক যে-Short Straddle কি ? কিভাবে একটি Short Straddle তৈরি করবেন?এই Short Straddle Option Strategy টি ব্যবহার করতে আপনার কত টাকা লাগবে?বিস্তারিত জানতে দেখে নিন আমাদের এই পোস্টটি। #Short_Straddle #The_Definition #How_To_Create #Capital_Requirements #Payoff_chart #Please_Share_&_Like #Invesmate #Short_Straddle #Payoff_Chart #sharemarket #stockmarketnews

Understanding the Short Straddle Option Strategy

Table of Contents Toggle #Short_Straddle#The_Definition#How_To_Create#Capital_Requirements#Payoff_chart#Please_Share_&_Like The Short Straddle Option Strategy is a popular investment technique in the derivative market, commonly used in the stock market. It involves selling both a Call Option and a Put Option with the same strike price and expiration date.The investor collects the premiums.Let’s take a brief look-What Is Short Straddle ? How To Create a Short Straddle ?How much money will you need to use this short straddle option strategy?Check out our post for details – #Short_Straddle #The_Definition #How_To_Create #Capital_Requirements #Payoff_chart #Please_Share_&_Like #Invesmate #Short_Straddle #Payoff_Chart #sharemarket #stockmarketnews

ক্যান্ডেলস্টিক চার্ট প্যাটার্নের প্রাথমিক গাইড 2024

Table of Contents Toggle Candlestick কি?Candlestick এর তিনটি মৌলিক বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে:Candlestick Structure :Origin :Components of a Candlestick:Bullish Candlestick:Bearish Candlestick:Types of Candlestick Pattern:Single Candlestick Patterns:> Types of Bullish Single Candlestick Patterns:Hammer Candlestick :Inverted Hammer Candlestick :Doji Candlestick :Spinning Top Candlestick :Marubozu Candlestick :> Types of Bearish Single Candlestick Patterns :Shooting Star Candlestick :Hanging Man Candlestick :Multiple Candlestick :> Types of Bullish Multiple Candlestick Patterns :Engulfing Pattern :​Harami Candlestick Pattern:Piercing Candlestick Pattern :Morning Star Pattern :> Types of Bearish Multiple Candlestick Patterns :Dark Cloud Candlestick Pattern :Evening Star Pattern Pattern :Conclusion:FAQs Candlestick কি? Candlestick হল কোনো Asset -র Price Movement সম্পর্কে Information প্রদর্শনের একটি উপায়। Candlestick Charts হলো Technical Analysis এর Popular Components এর মধ্যে একটি, যা Trader দের দ্রুত Price Information পেতে সাহায্য করে । Candlestick এর তিনটি মৌলিক বৈশিষ্ট্য রয়েছে: The Body, যা Open-To-Close Range কে Represent করে ।The Wick, বা Shadow, যা নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের বা দিনের জন্য Price  এর High এবং Low প্রকাশ করে ।The Colour, যা Market Movement এর Direction প্রকাশ করে, যেখানে একটি Green বা White Body মূল্য বৃদ্ধি (Price Increase) নির্দেশ করে, অন্যদিকে একটি Red বা Black Body মূল্য হ্রাস (Price Decrease) নির্দেশ করে৷ Candlestick Structure : কোন চার্টের প্রতিটি Candlestick একটি নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে একটি Asset র Price Movement কে Represent করে, যেমন 1 Minute, 5 Minutes, 1 Hour, 1 Day,1 Week ইত্যাদি। সময়ের সাথে সাথে, Individual Candlestick গুলি প্যাটার্ন Form করতে থাকে, যা Trader দের Major Support এবং Resistance Levels চিহ্নিত করতে সাহায্য করে। Origin : Japanese Candlestick Chart Patterns হলো প্রাচীনতম Charting Technique, 1700 এর দশকে Rice Prices এর Forecast -র জন্য উদ্ভূত হয়েছিল যা Technical Analysis এ বিপ্লব ঘটিয়েছে। এই চার্টগুলি Market Sentiment এবং Future Price Movements –র Insights প্রদান করে। Components of a Candlestick: একটি Candlestick এর চারটি Main Component রয়েছে:Open: Given Time Frame এর মধ্যে Asset টি যে Price এ Open হয়েছে।Close:  Given Time Frame এর মধ্যে Asset টি যে Price এ Close হয়েছে।High: Given Time Frame এর মধ্যে Asset এর মূল্য Highest যে Price এ পৌঁছেছে।Low: Given Time Frame এর মধ্যে Asset এর মূল্য Lowest যে Price এ পৌঁছেছে। Candlestick এর Shadows, Day’s High ও Low দেখায় এবং Open ও Close এর সাথে তুলনা করতে সাহায্য করে। একটি Candlestick এর আকৃতি High, Low, Opening এবং Closing Prices -র উপর ভিত্তি করে পরিবর্তিত হয়। Candlesticks কে Price Movement এর উপর ভিত্তি করে দুটি প্রকারে শ্রেণীবদ্ধ করা যেতে পারে: Bullish Candlestick: যদি Closing Price তার Opening Price এর চেয়ে বেশি হয়, তাহলে Candlestick টি সাধারণত Green বা White রঙের হয়। এটি নির্দেশ করে যে, সেই সময়ের মধ্যে Buyers নিয়ন্ত্রণে ছিল, যা Price কে ওপরের দিকে Push করেছে। Bearish Candlestick: যদি Closing Price তার Opening Price এর চেয়ে কম হয়, তাহলে Candlestick টি সাধারণত Red বা Black রঙের হয়। এটি নির্দেশ করে যে, সেই সময়ের মধ্যে Sellers নিয়ন্ত্রণে ছিল, যা Price কে নিচের দিকে Push করেছে। Types of Candlestick Pattern: Candlestick Patterns সাধারণত দুই ধরনের হয়, যেমন Single Candlestick Patterns এবং Multiple Candlestick Patterns যাদের প্রত্যেকটিতে Bullish বা Bearish Implications থাকে। Single Candlestick Patterns: একটি Single Trading Period এ Open, Close, High,  এবং Low Prices ব্যবহার করে শুধুমাত্র একটি Candle দ্বারা Single candlestick pattern গঠিত হয়। > Types of Bullish Single Candlestick Patterns: Hammer Candlestick : এই Candlestick টি বিশেষ করে Downtrend -র Bottom -এ একটি Potential Bullish Reversal নির্দেশ করে । Hammer Candlestick Inverted Hammer Candlestick : এই Candlestick টি Hammer এর মতো দেখতে হয় তবে উল্টো, যা Potential Bullish Reversal নির্দেশ করে। Inverted Hammer Candlestick Doji Candlestick : এই Candlestick টি মার্কেটে Opening এবং Closing Prices র সাথে Market Indecision কে Represent করে। Doji Candlestick Spinning Top Candlestick : এই Candlestick টি তার Small Body এবং Long Upper ও Lower Shadows গুলির মাধ্যমে মার্কেটে Indecision নির্দেশ করে। Spinning Top Candlestick Marubozu Candlestick : এই Candlestick টি তার Color এবং Lack of Shadows এর উপর ভিত্তি করে মার্কেটে Strong  Bullish or Bearish Sentiment নির্দেশ করে। Marubozu Candlestick > Types of Bearish Single Candlestick Patterns : Shooting Star Candlestick : এই Candlestick টি বিশেষ করে Uptrend এর শীর্ষে একটি Potential Bearish Reversal -র পরামর্শ দেয়। Shooting Star Candlestick Hanging Man Candlestick : এই Candlestick টি Shooting Star এর মতো দেখতে হলেও এটি Potential Bearish Reversal এর সংকেত দেয়। Hanging Man Candlestick Multiple Candlestick : একটি Double Candlestick Pattern তৈরি হয় পরপর দুটি Trading Periods এ পরপর দুটি Candlesticks  এর Open, Close, High,  এবং Low Prices ব্যবহার করে । এই প্যাটার্নগুলি প্রায়শই স্টক মার্কেটে Potential Reversals বা Trend Continuation নির্দেশ করে।  > Types of Bullish Multiple Candlestick Patterns : Engulfing Pattern :​ এই Candlestick টি Reversal কে বোঝায়, যেখানে দ্বিতীয় Candle টি প্রথমটিকে সম্পূর্ণরূপে Engulf করে নেয়। Engulfing Pattern Harami Candlestick Pattern: এই Candlestick Pattern টি দুটি Candle নিয়ে গঠিত, যেখানে দ্বিতীয় Candle টি প্রথমটির মধ্যে রয়েছে, যা একটি Potential Reversal এর সংকেত দেয়। Harami Candlestick Piercing Candlestick Pattern : এই Candlestick Pattern টি Downtrend এর পরে Potential Bullish Reversal দেখায়। Piercing Candlestick Pattern Morning Star Pattern : তিনটি Candle দ্বারা গঠিত একটি Bullish Reversal Pattern। Morning Star Pattern > Types of Bearish Multiple Candlestick Patterns : Dark Cloud Candlestick Pattern : Uptrend এর পরে Potential Bearish Reversal এর নির্দেশ দেয়। Dark Cloud Candlestick Pattern Evening Star Pattern Pattern : তিনটি Candle দ্বারা গঠিত Morning Star এর Bearish Counterpart ৷ এই Patterns, Market Sentiment এবং Potential Price Movements সম্পর্কে Valuable Insights প্রদান করে৷ Evening Star Pattern Conclusion: Traders এবং Investors দের Market Sentiment বোঝার জন্য এবং Informed Decisions নেওয়ার জন্য Candlestick Patterns একটি Valuable Skill পেতে সাহায্য করে। Market Dynamics বোঝার জন্য অন্যান্য Technical এবং Fundamental Analysis Techniques এর সাথে Candlestick Analysis কে Combine করা অত্যন্ত গুরুত্বপূর্ণ। FAQs 1. কোন Candle টি Trading এর জন্য সেরা? Trading এর জন্য Candlestick Patterns এর মধ্যে Shooting Star, Hammer, Bullish ও Bearish Engulfing Pattern গুলি সেরা। 2. Candlestick Patterns কি? Candlestick Patterns হল Financial Markets এ Price Movements এর একটি Visual Representations,যা নির্দিষ্ট সময়ের মধ্যে একটি Asset এর Open, High, Low, এবং Closing Prices দ্বারা গঠিত। 3. Candlestick Patterns কিভাবে Trader দের সাহায্য করে? Candlestick Patterns Trader দের Market Sentiment এবং Potential Future Price Movements এর ওপর Insight প্রদান করে, যা তাদের Informed Decisions নিতে সহায়তা করে। 4. Candlestick Patterns কি সব মার্কেটে কাজ করে? Candlestick Patterns বিভিন্ন মার্কেটে প্রয়োগ করা যেতে পারে, যেমন  Stocks, Forex, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies, তবে তাদের কার্যকারিতা Vary করতে পারে। 5. Candlestick Patterns কি Market Reversals এর পূর্বাভাস দিতে পারে? কিছু Candlestick Patterns, যেমন Bullish/Bearish Engulfing বা Hammer/Inverted Hammer, Market Direction –র সম্ভাব্য পরিবর্তনের ইঙ্গিত দেয় এবং Reversal Signals হিসাবে বিবেচিত হয়। 6. Candlestick Wicks এর Length এর তাৎপর্য কী? Candlestick Wicks এর Length, Trading Period এর মধ্যে Price Range কে Represents করে। একটি Long Wicks, High Volatility Suggest করে, এবং Short Wicks তুলনামূলকভাবে Stable Price Action এর নির্দেশনা দেয়। 7. সবচেয়ে শক্তিশালী Candlestick Pattern কোনটি? সবচেয়ে শক্তিশালী Candlestick Pattern হল Bullish ও Bearish Reversal Pattern, এবং Bullish ও Bearish Continuation Pattern। 8. Candlestick Pattern কি মার্কেটে সব সময় কাজ করে? Candlestick Pattern দুই রকমের হয়, যথা Bullish এবং Bearish। Bullish Pattern টি ইঙ্গিত দেয় যে Price এখন বাড়তে পারে, অন্যদিকে Bearish Pattern টি ইঙ্গিত দেয় যে Price কমার সম্ভাবনা রয়েছে। তবে, কোনো প্যাটার্নই সব সময় কাজ করে না, কারণ ক্যান্ডেলস্টিক প্যাটার্ন Price Movement –র প্রবণতাকে উপস্থাপন করে। {"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"1. \u0995\u09cb\u09a8 Candle \u099f\u09bf Trading \u098f\u09b0 \u099c\u09a8\u09cd\u09af \u09b8\u09c7\u09b0\u09be?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Trading \u098f\u09b0 \u099c\u09a8\u09cd\u09af Candlestick Patterns \u098f\u09b0 \u09ae\u09a7\u09cd\u09af\u09c7 Shooting Star, Hammer, Bullish \u0993 Bearish Engulfing Pattern \u0997\u09c1\u09b2\u09bf \u09b8\u09c7\u09b0\u09be\u0964"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"2. Candlestick Patterns \u0995\u09bf?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Candlestick Patterns \u09b9\u09b2 Financial Markets \u098f Price Movements \u098f\u09b0 \u098f\u0995\u099f\u09bf Visual Representations,\u09af\u09be \u09a8\u09bf\u09b0\u09cd\u09a6\u09bf\u09b7\u09cd\u099f \u09b8\u09ae\u09af\u09bc\u09c7\u09b0 \u09ae\u09a7\u09cd\u09af\u09c7 \u098f\u0995\u099f\u09bf Asset \u098f\u09b0 Open, High, Low, \u098f\u09ac\u0982 Closing Prices \u09a6\u09cd\u09ac\u09be\u09b0\u09be \u0997\u09a0\u09bf\u09a4\u0964"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"3. Candlestick Patterns \u0995\u09bf\u09ad\u09be\u09ac\u09c7 Trader \u09a6\u09c7\u09b0 \u09b8\u09be\u09b9\u09be\u09af\u09cd\u09af \u0995\u09b0\u09c7?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Candlestick Patterns Trader \u09a6\u09c7\u09b0 Market Sentiment \u098f\u09ac\u0982 Potential Future Price Movements \u098f\u09b0 \u0993\u09aa\u09b0 Insight \u09aa\u09cd\u09b0\u09a6\u09be\u09a8 \u0995\u09b0\u09c7, \u09af\u09be \u09a4\u09be\u09a6\u09c7\u09b0 Informed Decisions \u09a8\u09bf\u09a4\u09c7 \u09b8\u09b9\u09be\u09af\u09bc\u09a4\u09be \u0995\u09b0\u09c7\u0964"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"4. Candlestick Patterns \u0995\u09bf \u09b8\u09ac \u09ae\u09be\u09b0\u09cd\u0995\u09c7\u099f\u09c7 \u0995\u09be\u099c \u0995\u09b0\u09c7?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Candlestick Patterns \u09ac\u09bf\u09ad\u09bf\u09a8\u09cd\u09a8 \u09ae\u09be\u09b0\u09cd\u0995\u09c7\u099f\u09c7 \u09aa\u09cd\u09b0\u09af\u09bc\u09cb\u0997 \u0995\u09b0\u09be \u09af\u09c7\u09a4\u09c7 \u09aa\u09be\u09b0\u09c7, \u09af\u09c7\u09ae\u09a8 \u00a0Stocks, Forex, Commodities, and Cryptocurrencies, \u09a4\u09ac\u09c7 \u09a4\u09be\u09a6\u09c7\u09b0 \u0995\u09be\u09b0\u09cd\u09af\u0995\u09be\u09b0\u09bf\u09a4\u09be Vary \u0995\u09b0\u09a4\u09c7 \u09aa\u09be\u09b0\u09c7\u0964"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"5. Candlestick Patterns \u0995\u09bf Market Reversals \u098f\u09b0 \u09aa\u09c2\u09b0\u09cd\u09ac\u09be\u09ad\u09be\u09b8 \u09a6\u09bf\u09a4\u09c7 \u09aa\u09be\u09b0\u09c7?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"\u0995\u09bf\u099b\u09c1 Candlestick Patterns, \u09af\u09c7\u09ae\u09a8 Bullish\/Bearish Engulfing \u09ac\u09be Hammer\/Inverted Hammer, Market Direction –\u09b0 \u09b8\u09ae\u09cd\u09ad\u09be\u09ac\u09cd\u09af \u09aa\u09b0\u09bf\u09ac\u09b0\u09cd\u09a4\u09a8\u09c7\u09b0 \u0987\u0999\u09cd\u0997\u09bf\u09a4 \u09a6\u09c7\u09af\u09bc \u098f\u09ac\u0982 Reversal Signals \u09b9\u09bf\u09b8\u09be\u09ac\u09c7 \u09ac\u09bf\u09ac\u09c7\u099a\u09bf\u09a4 \u09b9\u09af\u09bc\u0964"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"6. Candlestick Wicks \u098f\u09b0 Length \u098f\u09b0 \u09a4\u09be\u09ce\u09aa\u09b0\u09cd\u09af \u0995\u09c0?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Candlestick Wicks \u098f\u09b0 Length, Trading Period \u098f\u09b0 \u09ae\u09a7\u09cd\u09af\u09c7 Price Range \u0995\u09c7 Represents \u0995\u09b0\u09c7\u0964 \u098f\u0995\u099f\u09bf Long Wicks, High Volatility Suggest \u0995\u09b0\u09c7, \u098f\u09ac\u0982 Short Wicks \u09a4\u09c1\u09b2\u09a8\u09be\u09ae\u09c2\u09b2\u0995\u09ad\u09be\u09ac\u09c7 Stable Price Action \u098f\u09b0 \u09a8\u09bf\u09b0\u09cd\u09a6\u09c7\u09b6\u09a8\u09be \u09a6\u09c7\u09af\u09bc\u0964"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"7. \u09b8\u09ac\u099a\u09c7\u09af\u09bc\u09c7 \u09b6\u0995\u09cd\u09a4\u09bf\u09b6\u09be\u09b2\u09c0 Candlestick Pattern \u0995\u09cb\u09a8\u099f\u09bf?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"\u09b8\u09ac\u099a\u09c7\u09af\u09bc\u09c7 \u09b6\u0995\u09cd\u09a4\u09bf\u09b6\u09be\u09b2\u09c0 Candlestick Pattern \u09b9\u09b2 Bullish \u0993 Bearish Reversal Pattern, \u098f\u09ac\u0982 Bullish \u0993 Bearish Continuation Pattern\u0964"}},{"@type":"Question","name":"8. Candlestick Pattern \u0995\u09bf \u09ae\u09be\u09b0\u09cd\u0995\u09c7\u099f\u09c7 \u09b8\u09ac \u09b8\u09ae\u09af\u09bc \u0995\u09be\u099c \u0995\u09b0\u09c7?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Candlestick Pattern \u09a6\u09c1\u0987 \u09b0\u0995\u09ae\u09c7\u09b0 \u09b9\u09af\u09bc, \u09af\u09a5\u09be Bullish \u098f\u09ac\u0982 Bearish\u0964 Bullish Pattern \u099f\u09bf \u0987\u0999\u09cd\u0997\u09bf\u09a4 \u09a6\u09c7\u09af\u09bc \u09af\u09c7 Price \u098f\u0996\u09a8 \u09ac\u09be\u09a1\u09bc\u09a4\u09c7 \u09aa\u09be\u09b0\u09c7, \u0985\u09a8\u09cd\u09af\u09a6\u09bf\u0995\u09c7 Bearish Pattern \u099f\u09bf \u0987\u0999\u09cd\u0997\u09bf\u09a4 \u09a6\u09c7\u09af\u09bc \u09af\u09c7 Price \u0995\u09ae\u09be\u09b0 \u09b8\u09ae\u09cd\u09ad\u09be\u09ac\u09a8\u09be \u09b0\u09af\u09bc\u09c7\u099b\u09c7\u0964 \u09a4\u09ac\u09c7, \u0995\u09cb\u09a8\u09cb \u09aa\u09cd\u09af\u09be\u099f\u09be\u09b0\u09cd\u09a8\u0987 \u09b8\u09ac \u09b8\u09ae\u09af\u09bc \u0995\u09be\u099c \u0995\u09b0\u09c7 \u09a8\u09be, \u0995\u09be\u09b0\u09a3 \u0995\u09cd\u09af\u09be\u09a8\u09cd\u09a1\u09c7\u09b2\u09b8\u09cd\u099f\u09bf\u0995 \u09aa\u09cd\u09af\u09be\u099f\u09be\u09b0\u09cd\u09a8 Price Movement –\u09b0 \u09aa\u09cd\u09b0\u09ac\u09a3\u09a4\u09be\u0995\u09c7 \u0989\u09aa\u09b8\u09cd\u09a5\u09be\u09aa\u09a8 \u0995\u09b0\u09c7\u0964"}}]}

Beginners Guide to Candlestick Chart Patterns in 2024

Table of Contents Toggle What is Candlestick ?Candlestick has three basic features:Candlestick Structure :Origin :Components of a Candlestick:Bullish Candlestick:Bearish Candlestick:Types of Candlestick Pattern :Single Candlestick Patterns:> Types of Bullish Single Candlestick Patterns:Hammer Candlestick:Inverted Hammer Candlestick:Doji Candlestick:Spinning Top Candlestick:Marubozu Candlestick:> Types of Bearish Single Candlestick Patterns :Shooting Star Candlestick:Hanging Man Candlestick:Multiple Candlestick Patterns:> Types of Bullish Multiple Candlestick Patterns :Engulfing Pattern:​Harami Candlestick Pattern:Piercing Candlestick Pattern:Morning Star Pattern :> Types of Bearish Multiple Candlestick Patterns :Dark Cloud Candlestick Pattern :Evening Star Pattern :Conclusion:FAQs What is Candlestick ? A candlestick is a way of displaying information about an asset’s price movement. Candlestick charts are one of the most popular components of technical analysis, enabling traders to interpret price information quickly. Candlestick has three basic features: The body, which represents the open-to-close range.The Wick, or Shadow, which reveals the High and Low of Price for a specific period or day.The colour, which reveals the direction of market movement- a green (or white) body indicates a price increase, while a red (or black) body shows a price decrease. Candlestick Structure : Each candlestick on the chart represents the price movement of an asset over a specific period of time, such as 1 minute, 5 minutes, 1 hour, 1 day, 1 Week etc.Over time, individual candlesticks form patterns that traders can use to recognise major support and resistance levels. Candlestick Structure Origin : Japanese candlestick chart patterns, the earliest charting technique, originated in the 1700s to forecast rice prices. These charts revolutionized technical analysis, providing insights into market sentiment and future price movements. Components of a Candlestick: Open: The price at which the asset opened during the given time frame.Close: The price at which the asset closed during the given time frame.High: The highest price reached during the given time frame.Low: The lowest price reached during the given time frame. The candlestick’s shadows show the day’s high and low and how they compare to the open and close. A candlestick’s shape varies based on the relationship between the day’s high, low, opening and closing prices. Candlesticks can be classified into two types based on the price movement they represent: Bullish Candlestick: If the closing price is higher than the opening price, the candlestick is typically colored green or white. It indicates that buyers were in control during that period, pushing the price up. Bearish Candlestick: If the closing price is lower than the opening price, the candlestick is typically colored red or black. It indicates that sellers were in control during that period, pushing the price down. Types of Candlestick Pattern : There are two types of candlestick patterns, categorized into single candlestick patterns and multiple candlestick patterns, along with their bullish or bearish implications. Single Candlestick Patterns: A single candlestick pattern is formed by just one candle using  the open, close, high, and low prices of a single trading period. > Types of Bullish Single Candlestick Patterns: Hammer Candlestick: Indicates potential bullish reversal, especially at the bottom of a downtrend. Hammer Candlestick Inverted Hammer Candlestick: Similar to Hammer, indicates potential bullish reversal. Inverted Hammer Candlestick Doji Candlestick: Represents market indecision with equal opening and closing prices. Doji Candlestick Spinning Top Candlestick: Shows indecision with small bodies and long upper and lower shadows. Spinning Top Candlestick Marubozu Candlestick: Indicates strong bullish or bearish sentiment based on its color and lack of shadows. Marubozu Candlestick > Types of Bearish Single Candlestick Patterns : Shooting Star Candlestick: Suggests potential bearish reversal, especially at the top of an uptrend. Shooting Star Candlestick Hanging Man Candlestick: Similar to Shooting Star but signals potential bearish reversal. Hanging Man Candlestick Multiple Candlestick Patterns: A double candlestick pattern is formed by two consecutive candlesticks using their open, close, high, and low prices over two consecutive trading periods. These patterns often indicate potential reversals or continuation of trends in the stock market.  > Types of Bullish Multiple Candlestick Patterns : Engulfing Pattern:​ Signifies a reversal where the second candle completely engulfs the first. Engulfing Pattern Harami Candlestick Pattern: Consists of two candles, the second being contained within the first, signaling a potential reversal. Harami Candlestick Piercing Candlestick Pattern: Shows potential bullish reversal after a downtrend. Piercing Candlestick Pattern Morning Star Pattern : A bullish reversal pattern formed by three candles. Morning Star Pattern > Types of Bearish Multiple Candlestick Patterns : Dark Cloud Candlestick Pattern : Indicates potential bearish reversal after an uptrend. Dark Cloud Candlestick Pattern Evening Star Pattern : The bearish counterpart of the Morning Star, formed by three candles.These patterns provide valuable insights into market sentiment and potential price movements. Evening Star Pattern Conclusion: Understanding candlestick charts can be a valuable skill for traders and investors to analyze market sentiment and make informed decisions. It’s important to combine candlestick analysis with other technical and fundamental analysis techniques for a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics. FAQs 1. Which candle is best for trading? The Shooting star, Hammer, bullish and bearish engulfing pattern are best among other candlestick patterns for trading. 2. What are candlestick patterns? Candlestick patterns are visual representations of price movements in financial markets, formed by the open, high, low, and close prices of an asset over a specific time period. 3. How do candlestick patterns help traders? Candlestick patterns provide insight into market sentiment and potential future price movements, aiding traders in making informed decisions. 4. Do candlestick patterns work in all markets? Candlestick patterns can be applied to various markets such as stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, but their effectiveness may vary. 5. Can candlestick patterns predict market reversals? Some candlestick patterns, like bullish/bearish engulfing or hammer/inverted hammer, are considered reversal signals, indicating potential changes in market direction. 6. What is the significance of the length of candlestick wicks? The length of wicks represents the price range during the trading period. Long wicks suggest high volatility, while short wicks indicate relatively stable price action. 7. What is the most powerful candlestick pattern? Most powerful candlestick patterns are bullish and bearish reversal pattern, and  bullish and bearish continuation pattern. 8. Does candlestick Pattern always work in the market? Candlestick Patterns are separated into two categories, bullish and bearish. Bullish patterns indicate that the price is likely to rise, while bearish patterns indicate that the price is likely to fall. No pattern works all the time, as candlestick patterns represent tendencies in price movement. {"@context":"https:\/\/schema.org","@type":"FAQPage","mainEntity":[{"@type":"Question","name":"1. Which candle is best for trading?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The Shooting star, Hammer, bullish and bearish engulfing pattern are best among other candlestick patterns for trading."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"2. What are candlestick patterns?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Candlestick patterns are visual representations of price movements in financial markets, formed by the open, high, low, and close prices of an asset over a specific time period."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"3. How do candlestick patterns help traders?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Candlestick patterns provide insight into market sentiment and potential future price movements, aiding traders in making informed decisions."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"4. Do candlestick patterns work in all markets?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Candlestick patterns can be applied to various markets such as stocks, forex, commodities, and cryptocurrencies, but their effectiveness may vary."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"5. Can candlestick patterns predict market reversals?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Some candlestick patterns, like bullish\/bearish engulfing or hammer\/inverted hammer, are considered reversal signals, indicating potential changes in market direction."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"6. What is the significance of the length of candlestick wicks?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"The length of wicks represents the price range during the trading period. Long wicks suggest high volatility, while short wicks indicate relatively stable price action."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"7. What is the most powerful candlestick pattern?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Most powerful candlestick patterns are bullish and bearish reversal pattern, and\u00a0 bullish and bearish continuation pattern."}},{"@type":"Question","name":"8. Does candlestick Pattern always work in the market?","acceptedAnswer":{"@type":"Answer","text":"Candlestick Patterns are separated into two categories, bullish and bearish. Bullish patterns indicate that the price is likely to rise, while bearish patterns indicate that the price is likely to fall. No pattern works all the time, as candlestick patterns represent tendencies in price movement."}}]}

চলুন Global Layoff সম্পর্কিত কিছু তথ্য দেখে নিই।

Table of Contents Toggle #Global_Layoffs#The_Definition#Reason_&_Impact#Recent_Layoffs#Upcoming_Layoff#Please_Share_&_Like Layoff, যা Employee reduction নামেও পরিচিত, এটি হল employer দ্বারা worker or group of worker কে suspension or permanent termination করার মাধ্যমে একটি organization এর workforce এর আকার হ্রাস করা।এই layoffs বিভিন্ন কারণের ফলে হতে পারে যেমন Economic downturns, Technological advancements, and Corporate restructuring.এই Global Layoff কি? এর কারণ কি? এছাড়াও কিভাবে বা কারা প্রভাবিত হয়? আরও জানতে, আমাদের বিস্তারিত পোস্ট পড়ুন – #Global_Layoffs #The_Definition #Reason_&_Impact #Recent_Layoffs #Upcoming_Layoff #Please_Share_&_Like #Invesmate #Global_Layoff #Uses #sharemarket #stockmarketnews

let’s have a look about global layoffs

Table of Contents Toggle #Global_Layoffs#The_Definition#Reason_&_Impact#Recent_Layoffs#Upcoming_Layoff#Please_Share_&_Like A layoff, also known as employee reduction, is the downsizing of an organization’s workforce by suspension or permanent termination of a worker or group of workers by the employer.These layoffs can result from various factors such as economic downturns, technological advancements, and corporate restructuring.What is this Global Layoff? What are the causes of it? Also how or who gets effected? To learn more, read our detailed post – #Global_Layoffs #The_Definition #Reason_&_Impact #Recent_Layoffs #Upcoming_Layoff #Please_Share_&_Like #Invesmate #Global_Layoff #Uses #sharemarket #stockmarketnews

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