6 fear factors that every beginner in stock market faces

There are many who want to invest in the stock market but feel scared because of the volatility and uncertain nature of the market. The newcomers often feel mental blockages. That leads to bad decisions and finally loss of money. If you’ve just started investing in the share market take note of these fears and how to overcome them to fight them back to become a winner in the stock market.
What If I Lose Money?
What if I lose money
This is quite a common fear that beginners face. Even before entering the market, they are worried about losing money. It is true that no one can guarantee you or predict precisely exactly how your investment will work. But if someone does proper methodical research and analysis then an investment can be protected against loss to an extent. So, give some time to learn about the methods and processes related to these researches and overcome your fear.
Where Would I Land?
Where would I land
Fear of an unknown future actually comes from the fear of losing money. New investors often feel apprehensive about the uncertain future if they lose. To overcome this fear you need to make the right investment decisions. And for that, a novice investor must have the appropriate knowledge.
Fear Of Missing Opportunities (FOMO)
Fear of Missing Opportunities
Any stock market investor cannot claim that he never felt FOMO or Fear of Missing Opportunities. Because of their fear of missing out on opportunities they decide in a hurry which results to be the wrong one. This fear can take its toll hugely and lead to unexpected losses. Analysis with patience is the only remedy. Accept the reality that you cannot control every deal from start to finish according to your wish. So, accept that you will miss out on some. And that is good for you.
Oh! My God, It’s Crashing!
-#Don’t Panic
Oh My god its crashing
It’s really scary to watch the market to crash drastically. Even an experienced investor feels nervous and makes panic sell.  The stock market may crash sometime. But that is not a permanent trend. So, keep calm.
Do I Have That Much Money?
Do I have that much money
This is a baseless fear. It’s a quite common notion about the stock market that it requires a lot of money to start investing here.  But it is totally a wrong idea. One can start investing even with RS. 100. So, do not be scared, you can start with a small amount just to try it.
I Do Not Understand Stock Market
I do not understand stock market
This one is on you. If you really want to earn a decent amount from the stock market then you must learn about the market properly. But one thing you can be sure of is that stock market is not a difficult arena to understand. It’s an easy one and takes very little time to learn.  It is never too late to learn something. Don’t wait, just start it now.

Stocks are riskier than many other conventional assets. If you avoid investing out of fear then you could miss out on stock market gains and good opportunities to create wealth.

What is the most distressing fear for you? Please share your views in the comment section and follow us on Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn for more stock market-related articles and updates.

Arunava Chatterjee
Founder of INVESMATE Group. I am a Certified Research Analyst, Value & Growth Investor, Trainer and Tech Entrepreneur. With 15 years of capital market experience, I have trained 10000+ students on INVESMATE. I have created several YouTube videos, mostly related to in-depth fundamental analysis.


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